
12:04 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
...i have to start somewhere i suppose. i'll just fill everyone in on what i do. i'm currently finishing up my last year (8 quarters, 4 per year) at the Miami Ad School. I'm "studying" Art Direction. People always ask me "what kind of school is that?" A response of "a portfolio school" doesn't seem to make them any less confused. Basically I take classes like brainstorming, concepting(the biz word for thinking up great ideas) web design, photography, layout, typography, strategy, all computer programs, design etc... oh yea, and the also have this little program called quarter away. the school provides us with a chance to compete for internships and take classes all over the world. its a pretty amazing opportunity.

So that's what i do. I was in Miami taking grueling classes for 5 quarters, NYC for the 6th and now interning in Ft lauderdale for my 7th. Next quarter I will finish up classes in Miami Beach (where the school is located)

I have really learned quite a bit in the past 2 years- found some things i dislike about the indusrty but overall i see vast opportunities to be creative and find a job that fits my style. i'm excited to see where my new skills will lead me and how i can make an impact on this world.

12:23 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
Blogging. It's all the buzz these days and I think it's time I jump on the band wagon. Prepare yourself kids, Kathryn Elyse is about to tell it like it is. :)

stay tuned . . .