Stella Mae

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I'm dedicating this post to my baby, Stella Mae, so everyone will know why I have been home so much. Her name is actually the same as my favorite beer and she shares the same "middle name" with my Grandmother, Elsie Mae. I've learned that puppies are a LOT of work and need LOTS of attention. Maybe it's a good thing I haven't found a job just yet....

James and I got Stella (who had a different name every hour the first day: Sandie, Maddy, Mel, Coco..) from a breeder in Waldo, Fl. She is an American Cocker Spaniel and as loving as they come. She came home at only 9 weeks and will be 17 weeks this Thursday- and is so smart! She was house broken in almost 3 weeks, loves to snuggle with mommy at night and chews on paper towel rolls for fun. We have been trying to teach her some tricks and I think she almost has "shake" down. The Haile Plantation vet has been great and she goes this week for her last "puppy package" appointment. Oh those kids grow up so fast... Here are a few pictures of our new baby, enjoy!