Another Quarter Centenial Celebration

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Not quite jet setters, but we do travel 150 miles on the weekends to have raging parties. :) Ok, that might be a bit of an overstatement- we all know my weekends generally consist of cleaning, house projects and/or weddings- but this weekend it was the truth! My sorority sister and old roommate, Erin Choy, invited me to join her birthday festivities in celebrating the big 2-5! Because of her high-status in the world of state-capital politics, we were lucky enough to have a complementary party bus haul us around all evening. The music was pumping, people were laughing and the mini bar was in full effect; a perfect setting for good times. Another Phi Mu sister, Dana, accompanied me on the 2 hour treck north (can I get a high-5 for awesome road-trip buddies?). Thanks go out to Erin for the hospitality and "interesting" evening. On another note, I got to see that there really is more to Tallahassee then just a gross mixture of red,yellow and Gator wannabas :)